Monday, July 03, 2006

say a little prayer

hello once again!

three million five hundred and sixty two apologies for such a belated update! was away at camp the whole time, and even though it was simply at NUS, we seemed pretty far away from civilisation. guess it happens when you don't get to use the computer and phone and tv as often! :)

heard from some of you about your new teacher. ms trina right?
REMINDER: be nice to her. haha. trust me she's not out to get you. or hate you. or distribute green forms like rainwater. and she has a hard job, getting to try to know all of you ASAP, so be nice to her. haha. i bet most of you couldn't stand me at first either. heaven please let it be the opposite now:)

1K. i have yet to give you what i was supposed to long long ago. feels very stupid to give it now but if i meet ms ang anytime soon i shall pass it to her.
or maybe. not. haha

i still miss you guys tons daily, even though the day is pretty filled up with a lot of stuff.

can't imagine what you guys are curious about me for (HAHA) but any questions u have, be it about my personal life, help in english, or even maths or science, help in your personal problems or professional lives (being a student is an occupation, after all), feel free to email me. or call. or sms.

btw. why are so many people annonymous? sigh.

5 words:

till the next time,
i bid thee farewell!:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi.. first tym in ur blog.. its realli nice...

12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if wat u wanna give us is hw...den forget it...if it isnt...den give us ASAP...we're dead from missing u...haha...

4:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! lols. wee u posted.

5:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi X)

6:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

three cheers n three cheers n three cheers for ms meghna,hip hip hooray!hip hip hooray! hiphip hooray!

7:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hihi.i need ur help...find me.

8:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss trina treats us as pri sch kids. no offense though.

9:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss meghna...
we reali do miss u...miss trina relai do treat us as pri sch kids...its a miracle she didnt make us put our finger to our lips...her lesson is totally boring...pls jump at any chance to come back and teach us leh...we'll b waiting for u...

5:32:00 PM  
Blogger Laughing Walnutt said...

YOYOYO!! I am Charmaine from 1KKKKKKooL & Krazy!! do you still remember me?? whoohoo!! im looking forward to see what is that mysterious thing u are supposed to give us a long long long long time ago.. you better pass it to Ms Ang man...
i will ALWAYS leave a comment and 1K DO MISS YOU!!
Ms Trina can't be compared to you..
You may say that you are boring when YOU ARE NOT!! THe best thing is, you definitely have the same thinking as we people in secondary school has.. THAT, i am 101% SURE.. =D
Why don't u pop back in to AHS and visit us plus Ms Ang?? Boredom has taken over poor Ms Ang.. i feel so sad for her..
why must you people leave? why must you guys bring that fun and laughter to us for a short one month and then leave us like you never cared so much? ahhhhhh~ !!

i hope you had fun in camp.. =/

1K love you LOTS!! =P
Speaking from deep deep deep down in my fist-size heart..

7:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually,, i think tt ms trina is a good teacher...a responsible one and a perfect one to parents???she's quite good though...:)

2:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets ignore posts frm anonymous people yeah? so annoying...


7:09:00 PM  
Blogger Laughing Walnutt said...

Ms Meghna, i think we will gladly appreciate it if you update your blog. We would like to know how you are doing now. :)

9:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ms meghna yr blog is decaying..

12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiie ms meghna...first time visiting ur blog...haha:)

10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pur class pic had been uploaded le...
the link is
go check it out be =)

1:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the link cant b seen...
to get the link...go to our class blog ba...
jiaye post it dere le...

1:31:00 PM  
Blogger Laughing Walnutt said...

decaying, dying.. rotting.. starting to smell.... eewwwww...!!

terrible!! disastrous!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh~

5:23:00 PM  
Blogger Meghna said...

hey guys!

sorry overseas right now. the days are totally packed and wireless internet isn't so common here. will update in a week, will be back then! :)

much love,

12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh hi ms meghna so u r at overseas =3 have fun!

9:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you miss meghna! (and miss madhu too! ): )

8:27:00 AM  
Blogger Meghna said...

TQ i miss u too! haha:):):) hello hello it's superbly HOT here someone shoot me! and the funniest thing is they have signs like POSSIBLE FLASH FLOODS in the middle of the desert! haha. TQ tell the kids i miss them, love me too, and tell my lot from 2H to focus and stop loitering ard. i met them at the airport that day i left. hahaha!!

12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Laughing Walnutt said...

wow! overseas? cool man.. haha.. okay.. take care.. we will be waiting.. FOR YOUR NEXT UPDATE!!!

12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow where did u go?

5:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi miss meghna^-^

hope that u enjoy ur trip overseas^-^
take care^-^

1k loves u! ^-^

6:06:00 PM  

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