Thursday, May 11, 2006

of sparklers and confetti

Exams are over, pop the champagne!
(ok no not really. you all are underage. pop the sparkly juice? haha:)

now that the Great Dreadfuls are over and done with, hope you had a fabulous time yesterday gallavanting across the country (well mostly TM right?:) and showing the world what a good time no-more oppressed students can have.

just hope no one went overboard on the fun and dished over to trouble:)

sorry to have to pull a downpour on you, but PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SERVICE :

exam results will be given out starting next week on. fret not though. i'm sure most of you have done well in the exams:)

i'm actually supposed to be teaching you all now on, as in you do compres and summaries and compos and whatelsehaveyou. we'll see how it goes though.

holidays beginning in two weeks. mighty long weekend upcoming too.

take care,
ms meghna


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahax. i hope we really did well, miss meghna. lol. thanks for teaching us. we sure appreciate everything you did for us. :)

7:42:00 PM  
Blogger Meghna said...

well i hope you did well too. for everything:)

haha i think you all rock. been a pleasure teaching you:)

8:11:00 PM  

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