Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I can't believe blogspot is STILL not letting me have a title.

Anyways, exams incoming, discussed this with you, but just as a reminder:


For those of you who have yet to realise how long winded I am, witness the following.

What is slang?
Simply put in English in exams, words teenagers (don't get me wrong. Adults also have slang. They're just not the ones who take the exams) use and think are cool or words that are a testimony to their coolness (trust me, when you grow older, half of what you think is SUPER COOL or happening or whathaveyou will just be a source of embarrassment. Trust me on this one)

examples of slang:
  • cool (unless you're talking about the weather or temperature)
  • happening
  • whatever
  • like in every other sentence
  • sucks
  • pissed off
  • freak out
  • vulgarities, which you think are not vulgarities (eg. sh*t)
  • refrain from using words like stupid and idiot too
  • stead/steady
  • ex (you can use ex-girlfriend/boyfriend. Not just ex)
  • assorted colloquial(vocab word!) phrases, including Hokkien/Teochew/Cantonese/Malay/etc phrases. If you have difficulty in determining what is acceptable, ask yourself if someone British would understand what you are talking about.
  • yakking away
  • BGR
  • bf/gf
  • lurve/luv (say love. L-O-V-E)
  • loser
  • dawg
  • wanna/lemme/gotta/gtg/ttyl/cya/etc shortcuts you lazily use informally
  • fella
  • kid, mom, dad, guy, gal (use child, mother, father, boy, girl)
  • moron
  • CMI (can't make it)
  • etc. of course, being the ancient, stodgy and fossilated teacher you all think I am (vocab words galore!) I do not have quite as many slang words up my sleeve. Aim to be like me in the exams. Use NO slang at all. No, I don't care about your abundant knowledge either, and once again, if you DARE come up to me with blatant profanities and ask if it is acceptable you will be in trouble. Further elaboration will come with experience. You have been warned.

Also avoid bigoted views. I've explained to you what they are, but if you're still unclear, please head to your new best friend, www.dictionary.com and check it out. (They should just pay me for this advertising).

Double post in a day. Not bad, huh? Maybe I'll triplicate it. Maybe blogspot will let me have a title.
Or not.

EDIT: Ok I figured out how to link. And get title:)


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