Tuesday, April 18, 2006

right i'm finally here again after weeks.

exams are upcoming, and will be over soon (within two days, i promise you!) try to focus hard on them, they're the first major exams you will have in AHS.

I really should start writing the way you should and I'd be marking ie. proper capital letters in place, punctuation and tense correct, and grammar more or less error free.

Your comprehension passages are still held hostage by me, although I have finished marking them. I'll try to get them to you asap. Trust me, I have no particular fascination or obsession with them:)

By the way, contractions like I'd, can't, we're, etc (yes that too. You have to spell it out as et cetera) are not allowed by you. I, on the other hand, will allow myself to use it for personal ease:)

I haven't posted the five random vocab words, so here goes:

1) contention
2) exponent
3) emancipated
4) unduly
5) discerning

P.S. transparent and translucent are NOT the same thing.

I understand some of you know what these words mean, but ask yourself, if it were to be asked in the vocab section of the Comprehension passage, would you be able to explain it, in context, in seven words or less?

Of course, they aren't just for the vocab component. You never know, it may just come in handy in composition and summary and what have you as well:)

Once again, it's not compulsory to look them up. If you feel lazy to hunt your dictionary and subsequently the given words, head down to www.dictionary.com and find it, quick and easy! You can also use the thesaurus function. Plus the Word Of the Day. I'm not sure what other features may interest you (primarily because I don't know my way around the site. Let me clarify though, I may be a blog-toot, and a techno-toot, but I do know how to navigate my way through most websites. This has just never retained my interest)

Excuse the ugly layout. Besides being ignorant of how to glorify/beautify the template, I have better things to do (or more important, at least. Like marking. Marking. And more marking. NB. Never begin sentences with and. I just did but I get to. hehe)

Just a note, when do you use it's and its?

it's - in the context of John's. Or in the context of it is.
its - every other time. For example, she saw its tail wagging.

Right, for those of you whose parents are disapproving of you sitting at the computer at this point in time (REMINDER: EXAMS UPCOMING!), be happy because you will probably use this site as an excuse to play computer games, chat, etc on the pretext of being good students and reading up on English. On the other hand. Try not to. They have your best interests at heart. However much you are convinced that chatting will indeed improve your English (yeah right. Maybe in Singlish/slang exams, where grammar, punctuation and the like are irrelevant. u gemme hor?), believe me when I say you're wrong. Trust me. It's very tedious for me to type properly here, when all i use when chatting is wrong english like no caps n all sorta slang tt'd juz freak out any eng cher hu may mark smtg like tis. dun say u confirm wun use liddat one cuz like. wait till exam time u wanna rush rush finish evtg then write anyhow oso neva realise.

Alright, till the next time!:)

P.S. Why am I unable to have a title for this? Blogspot hates me. Growl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

**** *

6:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes yes, I love me too:)

ms meghna

7:37:00 PM  

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