Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh frabjous day, calooh calayh!

It's actually over.
Possibly your worst, most hated, boring, dry and drab subject is over.
(I say possibly, let's hope not though)

Haven't actually seen the Comprehension (yet) but heard about how hard it was, particularly the Vocab section. Fear not (well not too much) because you're not alone. You go through mass suffering:)

(just for Nicholas and the rest of the 1K sadists, I am not one)

Please do not ask me what I am marking, and ask for more marks. This is for a few reasons:

1. You may have scored magnificently, in which case extra marks will be out of the question. Think positive guys.
2. I have three million five hundred and sixty two scripts to mark. (THIS is an exaggeration, and I hope you used none of it in your situational writing!) ok but honestly I have a lot. A LOT. of scripts to mark, and much as we'd all like to believe you're the centre of the universe, let me break your heart and tell you, you're not (I, however, am). So much as you'd believe with utmost conviction that I remember just how well you fared or what you got or whether you did well, I PROMISE you any answer I give will be a fabricated one. I really cannot remember.
3. Chances are, I haven't marked your script.

..and assorted other reasons that I know exist but really simply can't be bothered to rack my brains about right now.

Particularly as I keep stealing glances at the stacks and sheer thickness of what I have to mark in the next week.

Fret not, I am not alone. I sincerely hope you do not believe ONE BIT that you can slack off now, just because English is over. You still have Maths and Science and History and Geography and Literature and DNT and I'm not sure what else you may have to study for but the point is. Take the Labour Day holidays to mug it out and wait for Tuesday.


1K, your English lesson with me on Tuesday will be taken over by Mrs Koh for Geography. May meet you for five minutes to collect your brochures (I forgot to record down your marks) but since I highly doubt the majority of you will be bringing it I will send you a reminder on Tuesday.

I also have to collect your Comprehensions to make sure your parents have signed them.

I'm supposed to teach you during the remaining English periods but I may just let you revise your other work so do bring something to revise just in case. Once again, if you need help I'll be able to help you out in all your subjects save for Lit and Geog. And maybe DnT. Of course, no Chinese allowed:)

Right, off I go then to mark. Hope you had a good Friday (slacking away I bet). Keep sleeping early and waking up early and studying hard the rest of the day.

See you!:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Meghna, time for us students to slack on english while you slack, *ahem* i mean WORK on marking our papers. lol. Take note of my name, and mark my paper leniently. XD ^_^

8:09:00 PM  
Blogger dingjun said...

YAY ENGLISH IS OVER.oops is this miss megna's blog?i tot it was somebodys else blog!dam.

8:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, no making up of words here!
frabjous?? u gotta b kidding.

6:58:00 AM  
Blogger Meghna said...

I've decided moderating comments is too bothersome, so unless comments get rude you're good to see them instantaneously:)

haha kar wing, I'll try (lip service!;)

yep ding jun, it's ok. I'd be superduper relieved too if I was you. Hated the whole essay and summary component. Mindless paper.
Too bad you still have to go through it;)

Anws this is your blog. My blog'd be more fascinating than English Online. Harumph=)

Frabjous, btw, means delightful. It's old language, taken from (a poem) Jabberwocky. Ask your Lit teacher about it. AFTER your lit paper:)

Till then. Have fun mugging away. I'll keep procrastinating my work till it's too late. haha. DO NOT follow my example.

Much love!

11:36:00 AM  
Blogger Meghna said...

Hey ding jun. Glad you got the miss correct, but's it's ms megHna! :)

11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember, ms meghna, to mark 1c`06's papers as leniently as possible. cos we rock. lol.

1:45:00 PM  
Blogger Meghna said...

You stone way more in English man.

ANWS I'm not marking your compositions. And you cannot bribe me in any way to let on who will be.

Actually. Chocolates AND diamonds (NOT or) will do;)

Forget about the Eng paper and pray I finish marking soon enough to cast it off the deep trenches of my memory.

9:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey 1c ppl, get da chocs and diamonds out for ms meghna!!

1:14:00 PM  

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