Saturday, May 27, 2006


Sorry there hasn't been a post in the longest time ever. This is my third time writing out a new post, with the previous two not being uploaded by blogspot. Which, if you ask me, is direly stupid. Besides, what's with them asking me to validate my humanity?


So holidays are finally here! Much as everyone loves school/work, everyone loves a holiday more. (I hope you all do!) There's tons happening this June, so if you are clueless and just rotting at home, read on!

First up, World Cup.
If you didn't know the World Cup is going on this June, give yourselves a hard whack on the head. How can you NOT know? Even I don't read the papers. That still cannot excuse you. Don't you go out and see the bus stops which celebrate Nike and their (quite ugly this year, actually) designs for the different teams? Don't you watch TV? Don't you have friends??
That said. It's going to be a great season. Thank Gosh it's in the holidays.

Singapore Idol.
I never watched even one episode of the previous season, not even the finals, where my school's choir (and duh my friends) took part. But this year, it's personal. If you still have no idea why, just vote for Jasmine Tye (number 6). Will update you on this further:)

Great Singapore Sale.
This. is. pure. heaven.
It's barely started, but check out the great buys already. I can't wait to spend my hard earned hard saved money, and then mourn its loss after i purchase what i will absolutely love and not regret buying. Let's hope my parents are equally understanding when they see the bills:)

Movies Galore.
Head down to the new cineplex. those of you who haven't been there, some advie. it's freezing there. BUT it's a gorgeous underdeveloped place, and the walls are probably the most fascinating bit of it. they have very funky comics:) Go together as a class, or in your own cliques, especially if you have money to burn, and have a movie marathon:)

Alternately, you can have sleepovers and the like. In fact, anything slack, chill out at the beach, catch the sunrise, go blading, GO FOR THE CHOCOLATE BUFFET AT FULLERTON, take the treetop walk, or hike up bukit timah to lose the extra weight you will be guaranteed to put on post Fullerton Chocolate Buffet, etc other things i'd love to do but will never find it in myself to get off the couch and bother enough.

Of course, there's always your HOMEWORK you can do. if i'm not wrong, holiday homework for english is reading to kill a mockingbird? not too sure, but get started on it. it's a nice book, but a bit slow at first.

DON'T invest all your time in MapleStory and other computer games. If you have to, crack your wits and efforts at..REVISION! haha. hey you think, and when you write you exercise you fingers, and it's less strenous on your eyes, and hey. it's actually beneficial in the future:)

Now i'm going to try to publish this post, but once bitten twice shy. so i'm going to SAVE this first so i don't have to retype everything like a mindless victim of insomnia and inactivity.

till then, take care, and have fun! :)
Ms Meghna

P.S. Your Original stories were given to ms ang to distribute to you all. hope she can get it to you ASAP:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...first of all, congrats on ur incredulously long havent but now have (post).Next- YAY! World cup fever is here! Support Netherlands a.k.a Holland! And i will support Jasmine Tye(whoever she is...Ur fren?)I dun realli care about spore idol 2...I'm not into shopping...and i cant go to the Fullerton Chocolate Buffet(surely ex.)And finallie...homework. I still havent found that book yet...(I spent my time reading Deception Point and oh yeah i finished it today.)Its incredulously thick and i just revised maths and now here i am posting this comment while doing HeyMath! assignments....Cant wait for the bbq really...(life at home is boring)Oh my god what a long post...better stop here.

2:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ms meghna(grr mg beat me in the spot for 1st comment)anyway I saw jasmine tye on tv..haha she is on the top 28 xD anyway im so not looking forward to the holidays..and i hate shopping cos it always make my legs sore..and i have too much fats to burn for a chocolate buffet..haha and i dun care abt world cup..hehe btw i hope the bbq is not as boring as i expect it to be =/

10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not looking forward to the holdiay HOMEWORK*(sry typo)

10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um maybe you would like 2 know that we kids aint have much $$ on us. perhaps youd like to sponsor us...? just kidding.
to kill a mockingbird is sooo

6:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha i just read till chpter 6. The book rawkz!!!So meaningful...LOL

6:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The book is half finished...

10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ms meghna,ll u b publishing posts on this blog 4eva?
missing u,
omg,i'm so diao

1:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4got 2 add sumthing...-_-///(this!)

1:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss mdeejknhknjkvnu jkdiinsdnoooa ksdijioppqnncm zk aisojslnzxj ahnisdjlass dnxlksaj sdlsjodjkpnm sdjojjslA...u r stupid if u dun understand this!

1:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL ---> -_- !!!

3:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

diaoz. the guy is reallly weird.

4:38:00 PM  
Blogger Meghna said...

i have no idea what diao is.

and i must be stupid. i have no idea what the code thing is:)

will i update this forever? i doubt it. unless i become immortal. haha. ok no but i'll update this as long as i can:)

yeah the book is nice right! haha. too bad they give it to you as hw. ppl tend to dislike work, so they'd automatically dislike the book too:)

6:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ive read it up 2 chp 12 and its become slightly more interesting lar...
very hard 2 explain what diao means leh. its this thingy :
-_-''' and sorta means that you dont find that thing funny. or something like that.

6:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost finished! Chapter 22!

9:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im at chp 20. still very boring lar the bk.

10:53:00 AM  
Blogger Meghna said...

haha you go guys!:)

ok. so diao would probably be me in class with a look that says 'this is so lame i want to roll my eyes. except it may be too rude'. or smtg similar.

right? :)

9:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah you got it. except nobody really bothers not to be rude nowadays.

6:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fvfesgsdgiv sdhlghsdh hfsdoih d udvhsdhfcsd sdhphzpc cdhpsohcp dpscf df8h ------->code level 2!

10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:26:00 PM  

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