Saturday, June 24, 2006

school's a-starting!

two nights and a day to go before school restarts! :)

admit it. you miss it tons. forget the homework, that's not at all something you guys will remember once you leave. glad to see so many of you have blogs, because quite frankly, sec3 and 4 stick in your memory much more than lower sec does, which is a pity. in which case, you can always refer back to your blogs, jog your memory and all:)

very sad though. somehow my 1k peeps never seem to visit. and very few other 1c ones do. still.

1K whoever has to send me pictures send them! you can upload them and email to or send it to my hp number. WHICH i have given you:)

1C i'm in the process of getting the pics i took with you from ms ng (not eng!) so patience:)

terrible too. i still don't have a journal i update the way i wanted to. so much for practising what i preach. STILL i am (was) the teacher so you all shall listen to me! ;)

will be in camp the whole next week. i almost don't want to go anymore, but that's my amazing laziness talking. somehow, i suspect sloth would be the deadly sin most applicable to me. of course, i'm not too familiar with the other six either so i can't be too sure;)

BTW apparently a sloth is an animal who moves so slowly sometimes algae grows on it. hard to believe, but anything's possible:)

for those of you who still visit, and actually do this,
five vocab words:

1) verify
2) emulate
3) abominate
4) nimbus (yes you HP fans there is such a word)
5) providence

once again, be nice to your new English teacher, and don't bully him/her. nope i have no clue who it is but i'm pretty sure you'll have a good English semester. Don't forget this old dino though, at least not till we're old and greying and aged, with possible amnesia;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha ok....i bet many others share this sentiment: School must start on 26 October!....ok...muz face up to teachers, new stuff to learn...sigh another semester to kill us all...(esp. me) no wonder all these make many want to welcome suicide at 2.4 s per jump from 10 storeys...

10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man! SCHOOL!!! I hate that word.

10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our class reali missed u sia...lolz...hope u had fun during 1k's gathering and don worry...we'll neva bully the new teacher...cos 1Kool is nice...hahax...=)

3:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiyo!our new eng teacher is BAD...she's ms trina anyway..she's lame...n fierce! meghna is still the best:)hehe...erm erm,she came up wif such a 'game' called "think-pair share" it's SUPER LAME!! n -_-|||..haiz...we ll ve a BAD eng ..semester...congratulate us...ya..:(

7:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss Meghna,
i have been visiting this blog quite frequently,but i always forget to post a comment...
i think the same goes for the other students from 1K!
don't be sad,because 1K
still remembers you!

4:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ms meghna X)english has been so boring without you haha

7:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Meghna~
Missed you. So did 1C. And also give Ms Ang our best wishes lol. Zz and yes, our new eng teacher Ms Trina is abit boring, but i guess she's still And who's anoynomous?

7:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh...I'm doin that history assignment on Viktor Yushchenko...and Ukrainian yeow said he wanted smth special...he'll get it...ok enuf abt Trina is generally seen as average...but she can be a bit O_o and ok smtimes....oh no still got geog.'s everyday burdens.....

9:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya...agree wif annon...miss trina so horrible...missing teachers all not nice one...all the good teachers leave then bad teacher sad...

6:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyz miss meghna...
we so do miss come to visit us in sch k...and join us in our next class gathering...foreva in our mind=)

4:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ms meghna!!!!!!!!!we miss ya..*sobz* when can we c u again???btw,u shd post mOre bout ur life.we r curious ppl.xP

12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1K 1K 1K...Rox..we nvr 4get u..=)))

12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree wif shipei! we r veri CURIOUS ppl... haha! :)

10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup yup...hahax...
so post more and UPDATE soon k...lolz...

6:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup!update ur blog more often k?
missing u 4eva...1k

9:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiee.can i have some panadol and cheezels pls.k thx bai

3:54:00 PM  

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