Friday, July 28, 2006

ahs revisited

hello all! was superb seeing most of you again yesterday:)

am trying (please be successful) to upload the pics but as you know i'm quite lost in all this. so here goes.

pics with 1K are above. for some reason the pics are coming at the top of the post and i can't find myself bothering to correct this over and over again (it takes a lot of time okkkaaayy). 1C's (those in the art room) are in the next (well i guess previous) post because DESPITE me patiently waiting two times over and not clubbing my computer, the pics claim to be uploaded but they're not there.

yep, i'm a superbly short tempered person. you guys just never saw it;)

rah i gotta learn to use this. properly.
and also learn how to get rid of the word verification thing i have to do all the time. how insulting. it fancies me a robot.

please please don't make me have to redo this.


Blogger Laughing Walnutt said...

the pics are there! the pics are there!! whoohoooooooo!!! i love it man.. im telling you ms meghna... we miss u like crazy la... =/ =DDD i love the pics..

10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you and 1C and 1K and any other classes reading this too! :D :D


2:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whee!! really glad to see u again..haha..visit us more often k??

6:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy ms meghna!! muz cum back visit summore yea?? coz i didnt take the pic with ya'll.. pick wrong day to pon skooL.. SO STUPID!! hahas..

10:25:00 AM  

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