Wednesday, August 16, 2006

university tales

hello all!

am currently in the middle of a seminar in nus and my mind is quite frankly pooped. maybe its cuz i havent used it much in the past six months but the sociology lecture was quite mind numbing, i suppose smtg like what u'd find your worst subject in school. i'm learning french, and got pretty shocked when i was told it's 6 hours a week. thats A LOT, considering other subjects are 6 hours in all for two weeks.

oh well.

nus is full of stairs, if i havent mentioned it yet. for those of u who ever want to visit, feel free to msg me anytime. i have a five day week so i shall be in school daily (mon to fri only!) but i assure you this is not a trip you'd want to make unless the only other option is studying. haha

am in social sciences, doing in my first semester with french, sociology, south asian studies, political science and european studies. hey if i could i'd choose WAY diferent but theres certain ones u HAVE to take so yeah:)

ok thats abt it abt me for now. haha :)

five words - liquidated, momentum, security, foretell, decline

take care folks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha since like you are very busy O_o makes me scared to go uni O____o

9:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



9:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y-E-S!!!do cum back on teachers' day!!!we missssssss u!

12:55:00 PM  
Blogger Laughing Walnutt said...

ohhhh ms meghna... u still miss you LOADS... u must come back okie?? =DDD then we will cheeru LOUDLY for you.. OLEH!!

7:30:00 PM  

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