Wednesday, May 31, 2006

blatant, brazen, free publicity!

EVERYONE. when i give you the cue, whip out your handphones/home phones and VOTE JASMINE TYE (number 6) in singapore idol. i'm guessing it's next week, but WAIT FOR THE CUE!

yes. i am shamelessly publicizing this. and i expect you all to do the same to everyone you know.

very exciting business. especially since it's personal. and veryvery competitive.
i mean hello? 7choose2?

those of you who've started on holiday homework. kudos!

see you all soon. friday to be specific. haha.
aye, miss you all.
yes. even if i never was nice to u in class;)

(that's NONE of u. or i'll whack you up)


Saturday, May 27, 2006


Sorry there hasn't been a post in the longest time ever. This is my third time writing out a new post, with the previous two not being uploaded by blogspot. Which, if you ask me, is direly stupid. Besides, what's with them asking me to validate my humanity?


So holidays are finally here! Much as everyone loves school/work, everyone loves a holiday more. (I hope you all do!) There's tons happening this June, so if you are clueless and just rotting at home, read on!

First up, World Cup.
If you didn't know the World Cup is going on this June, give yourselves a hard whack on the head. How can you NOT know? Even I don't read the papers. That still cannot excuse you. Don't you go out and see the bus stops which celebrate Nike and their (quite ugly this year, actually) designs for the different teams? Don't you watch TV? Don't you have friends??
That said. It's going to be a great season. Thank Gosh it's in the holidays.

Singapore Idol.
I never watched even one episode of the previous season, not even the finals, where my school's choir (and duh my friends) took part. But this year, it's personal. If you still have no idea why, just vote for Jasmine Tye (number 6). Will update you on this further:)

Great Singapore Sale.
This. is. pure. heaven.
It's barely started, but check out the great buys already. I can't wait to spend my hard earned hard saved money, and then mourn its loss after i purchase what i will absolutely love and not regret buying. Let's hope my parents are equally understanding when they see the bills:)

Movies Galore.
Head down to the new cineplex. those of you who haven't been there, some advie. it's freezing there. BUT it's a gorgeous underdeveloped place, and the walls are probably the most fascinating bit of it. they have very funky comics:) Go together as a class, or in your own cliques, especially if you have money to burn, and have a movie marathon:)

Alternately, you can have sleepovers and the like. In fact, anything slack, chill out at the beach, catch the sunrise, go blading, GO FOR THE CHOCOLATE BUFFET AT FULLERTON, take the treetop walk, or hike up bukit timah to lose the extra weight you will be guaranteed to put on post Fullerton Chocolate Buffet, etc other things i'd love to do but will never find it in myself to get off the couch and bother enough.

Of course, there's always your HOMEWORK you can do. if i'm not wrong, holiday homework for english is reading to kill a mockingbird? not too sure, but get started on it. it's a nice book, but a bit slow at first.

DON'T invest all your time in MapleStory and other computer games. If you have to, crack your wits and efforts at..REVISION! haha. hey you think, and when you write you exercise you fingers, and it's less strenous on your eyes, and hey. it's actually beneficial in the future:)

Now i'm going to try to publish this post, but once bitten twice shy. so i'm going to SAVE this first so i don't have to retype everything like a mindless victim of insomnia and inactivity.

till then, take care, and have fun! :)
Ms Meghna

P.S. Your Original stories were given to ms ang to distribute to you all. hope she can get it to you ASAP:)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Post Exam

Now that exams are over, and you've possibly vested your energies in mindless computer games, movies, LAN gaming, maplestory, serial reruns, shopping (ok this one is optional. no one should EVER be able to get enough of shopping!), talking/complaining about exams and how they went, soccer, assorted other sports, etc, let me recommend to you a personal favourite timepasser (which i unfortunately have not indulged in for a long long time).


Ok now that you are done guffawing, read me out. Reading is NOT a bad thing at all. In fact, there's nothing better than lying on a couch with a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day/night (of course this is temperamental in Singapore) and reading a really good book.

There's many genres. Thriller, chicklit, romance, etc. Take your pick. Now I understand that while I may be sounding like the library's promotions (and I assure you this has absolutely nothing at all to do with your respective class readerships), this is purely to entice you into realising how. Fun. Reading can be.

You enter new worlds, broaden your horizons, get new ideas (I swear I was going to tear all my hair out reading the same old plots in your compositions), learn more about the world and people and societies and the way people and their world's run, get a better grasp of English, get new Vocab into your system, find a way to pass time...
The list can go on because I am pretty long-winded:)

So get yourself a good book and if it's a hot day, make yourself some cold Milo. Find a good not-too-comfy couch (we don't want you to end up sleeping) and crack open the book.

And read. Don't just start stoning or staring into space.

To get you started, find meaningful books like Mitch Albom's Five People You Meet In Heaven, Bo or Tuesdays With Morrie.
If you want Lit texts, try The Crucible by Arthur Miller. I just read it over the weekend and it is. brilliant.
Alexandre Dumas' Count of Monte Cristo rocks too.

Of course, if you'd rather something lighter, help yourself to chicklit. Some plots are so ridiculous that they actually seem believable:) Like The Undomestic Goddess by I'mnottoosurewho.

Good Old-era books include Ken Follet's Dangerous Fortune.
Neil Humphreys writes very well too. He's a columnist for the Today paper and encompasses local humour in his writings. He's got a book of his compiled articles (well more than one book) like Stories from the Little Island or something similar. Sorry my memory fails me:P

Right before I spend any more time taking off books from the top of my mind, head to the nearest book and start reading.

I hope you are sufficiently bored enough to do so.

Salaam Namaste,
Ms Meghna

Thursday, May 11, 2006

of sparklers and confetti

Exams are over, pop the champagne!
(ok no not really. you all are underage. pop the sparkly juice? haha:)

now that the Great Dreadfuls are over and done with, hope you had a fabulous time yesterday gallavanting across the country (well mostly TM right?:) and showing the world what a good time no-more oppressed students can have.

just hope no one went overboard on the fun and dished over to trouble:)

sorry to have to pull a downpour on you, but PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SERVICE :

exam results will be given out starting next week on. fret not though. i'm sure most of you have done well in the exams:)

i'm actually supposed to be teaching you all now on, as in you do compres and summaries and compos and whatelsehaveyou. we'll see how it goes though.

holidays beginning in two weeks. mighty long weekend upcoming too.

take care,
ms meghna

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

English Journal - the real one. ie not blog.

This one goes to all the pupils who don't pay attention in my lessons (RAWR!) and need me to keep repeating instructions/myself. It's also dedicated to those of you who make my day by visiting this site religiously (of course I'm just saying this cuz I have no idea who comes here. Save for a few of you and I'm still awaiting the diamonds and chocolates;) and who should be studying for your exams (non English!) right now.


So what's the English Journal all about?

Vital Statistics: at least the size of the AHS handbook (yes the one where the RULES are written)

Purpose: For you to write. Any missing pages must be accounted for because I don't trust all of you to appreciate that only tissue paper fulfils some functions and NOT EJ paper.

What's next: Fret not I am not going to pull a tyranny and force you to write pages and pages of words (DON'T try to cheat me and write in huge handwriting!). Here's what's going to happen. You will keep it in school, and every now and then for the next month at least you WILL be forced to write in it but only for 15 min each time. As is my fancy. Of course you can flood it with words if you want to but for the lazier/vocally inclined these 15min is mandatory.

Say what? : You write whatever suits your fancy. Predominantly English though. Write about your class, how much you love/hate them, your friends, your CCAs, favourite TV shows, exercise (though why ANYONE would enjoy physical torture is beyond my understanding), your pets, English and how lessons and Ms Meghna are, assorted other lessons and related teachers, how much you love chocolate, hate marking..
Well so you get the idea. Every now and then I will probably call for it just to look through. Please don't hesitate to write just about anything in it though. It'll be confidential and I will not pick on you/complain to your other teachers about you/hate you, although depending on the content I could still end up crying my heart out.

HAHA ok kidding just write whatever you want. I won't be in AHS much longer so worry not. Besides, I just hope to get you started on writing, and hopefully you will improve.

I've always wanted to keep a journal. Have one every year but I never get beyond the first two entries=___=

N.B. Journal is where you write landmark/special/specific events of your lives, in no regular order of date. Diary is where you update on your day to day life on a regular basis.

and as a rose I bid thou farewell
ms meghna:)

Monday, May 01, 2006

I've heard too many Labour Day jokes to give birth to another one.

Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

"A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying."

No more random vocab for the span of your exam.
Do remind me to tell you all to
1) Bring your already purchased English Journal
2) If you're from 1K, bring your brochure assignments
3) Bring your Comprehension papers SIGNED BY PARENTS for me to go through.

Hope I remember this man. haha

Btw, I don't personally watch Grey's Anatomy. A pity, I'm sure, especially considering the rave reviews I've heard about it. Same goes for Lost, but I'm way too far behind to even dream of catching on now (particularly cuz it's GAH marking period). Desperate Housewives is only the occasional indulgence too.

So kids, when you grow older (not too much longer, time'll fly by you before you know it. Take it from an aged, ancient fogey) do not watch too much TV like me.
The Internet, though, is free and easy for use:)

Maybe. You guys can make up your own class time capsule. You know, where you all put something of yours into a cardboard box and wrap it up and store it till Sec 4, where you can tell the future Sec 1s to look at it and I don't know, know about your current life? Or you all can go through it yourselves in Sec 4, bring back the memories and whatnot.

We did that in Sec 1 (long long ago) and left a class list with our CCAs next to the individual names so we could be recognized/spotted/harrassed by our Sec1 junior class if they had any questions. We had left the box on the class cupboard and it surprisingly remained untouched till the right time. VERY surprising, but super delightful as well:)

Just a suggestion, remembering that 1K has, at a VERY extremely advanced time, begun their class angel-mortal game (where, I have no qualms being any of your mortals. haha:)

Of course, if you are reading this now, amidst your exams, SHAME ON YOU! You should be studying Science and Math and other mind numbing subjects that are nonetheless more enthusiasm inducing than English. Shoo! Now that English is over. I shall just continue on my own talking to myself like that crazy bag lady down the street feeding pigeons.

Of course, they thought Einstein was stupid/mad/a wastrel/an assortment of the above.
You never know.

Till the next journal, where I shall chronicle some other insidiously abhorrent non-issue.

(Please NOBODY ask me about any GE06 or other assorted current issues that are featured in the papers. I'm not their most regular fan. Archie'll do just fine for me. Or SVH or the like. NO Jap anime. Or assorted other whaticallcrap)

Biding you a touch of genius!
Ms Meghna:)