Saturday, February 17, 2007


i am raging! i am raging against bl**dy blogger that is forcing me to use the new google thing! i hate being forced into anything and i hatethemhatethemhatethem!

and what's with the word verification thing below this man. SO irritating how do i get rid of it! i don't even understand why the stupid words have to be slanted and all. HONESTLY.

ok rant done. it's early morning and this is about the only time i have to update. so much for holidays huh. haha. can i just repeat OHMAN i am so glad for the holidays. :D:D

ok but for you all (ok me too laaaa) study hard ok! take this time to catch up on all your work (yeah right. but at least it sounds good to preach. hurhur.) and eat and drink and make merry and earn yourselves lots of money that can go into either your accounts or wonderful shopping treats! :D

Friday, February 16, 2007

whaddya know

happy (belated) valentine's day!
happy friendship day!

happy chinese new year!

right that's a lot of !!! at a go:)
hello all i am ecstatic! why? cuz hello hello holidays are FINALLY here. we barely ever get them in uni, dastardly things that they are.
ok not really FINALLY here, seeing how i still have school today. and lots of work to do before i go because the tutor demands it. but i also have the answers (YAYYYY!!!) and that just makes life so much easier:)

ok i just read what i typed and i sound high. or something to that effect.

so how was valentine's day for you all? DON'T LIE ok i know you all like someone. maybe they like you too, so i hope you let them know while you can! haha. what did you do for people, and what did they do for you? details, details! gimme the details! haha:)

eh i'm not kidding ok. i'm still KPO. haha:)

in other news, i've been busybusybusy with what also i don't know. so let's not even get there. haha. i miss u all la where have you all been? (ok i know you're in school but otherwise? like what's up with you all and stuff man.) how are your new classes and teachers and things you're learning? i love sec two work man. haha. i bet you hate it right, but it's ok. when you are sec three you will think just like me;)

o level results out! ok i know a whole week ago but so exciting right. all of you should try to sneak in the hall one time before you are actually the ones collecting the results. you know, brace yourself and all. it's very cool stuff. it's loads of tension and stress and then tears and laughter and heartbreaks and joy. very atmospheric. if there's such a word. haha.

ok can you all meet me SOON please thank you i miss you all and i'm too scared to go back ahs.
