Tuesday, December 26, 2006

a belated very merry christmas and happy new year to you all! :)

i'm supremely touched that some of you still visit this place. thought it was left to rot and neglect, but some of you still tag! much loves!

what have you guys been upto? i try visiting your blogs, but i've been quite tight on time these hols, and for some reason, some of your blogs make my windows close!:( still. am going to update myself on your lives NOW!

me, i've been having hols, and very happy with them so far. am quite sick of shopping now, since like, walking around the whole day and buying far less than you hope/expect to is enough to deter you. but there's been work besides that (with hilarious results too, but that's another story), and lots of catching up and meeting up with friends who've come back for the hols from overseas unis, with my ns friends, people from other singapore unis, and generally people i don't regularly meet but who have made an impact enough on my life to meet up with again:)

which brings me to. you guys. i love you all, yes, ALL of you, even if i scolded you before, or didn't really talk to you before, because you guys made my ahs experience a great one, and because seeing any of you outside, i immediately brandish my camera (hp or digital) so i can keep the memory.

and i don't know if this blog will be regularly updated, partly because well, i don't think many people read it at all, and partly because you guys aren't going to be in sec 1 anymore (right?). so after much consideration, i'm giving you guys my other blog address, which is quite new, but so far, been limited to very few peoples' knowledge. and not updated much at all either, because i'm such a very lousy internet blogger.


don't ask for the old one, because i've all but wiped it out. for those of u who still come here, i WILL still update this (i hope!) and more than that, thanks so very much for still visiting. i love you guys, can't get enough of saying it;)

it's been quite a long post ah, but there's more ok. makes up for the lack thereof sofar.

the year is ending. been a very quick year for me, with stuff zooming by, and a life lived as different as can be from previous years. my whole life i've been in some school or other, very standard, with uniforms and fixed classes and ccas and that kind of thing. this year i took my first steps into the working world, first at a hotel, and then at a bank, and finally, and the best of all, teaching. roles were reversed; once a student, now i was a teacher. and how. at a school so very different from my own, but with the best kind of pupils i could ask for. i may be mere years older than you all (six) but i hope i was not a bad teacher at all, and i know as the years go by, these memories will fade but i will always remember you all:)

then came uni, with no uniforms, fixed classes, fixed anything, actually. you make the timetable, you choose the classes, everything pointed to the message to grow up already:P well we all know what a pain that is.

results wise, this year, getting my a level results was also something different. all through, i managed to pull through at the major exams, but my results this time were far from satisfying, and well. i guess stuff doesn't always go the way you want, but what i learnt was that if you really want somthing, you have to work for it, and after a certain time, you won't get what you want just like that, effortlessly. it's been one of the worst chapters of my life, but it's done and over with, and all i can do is try not to think about it:P

but then you realise that the only way from up is down, and once you're at a low, you can only go up. those of you who may have not gotten as great results as you'd hoped for this year, take heart, because the rest of your life is not affected by this, and because, believe it or not, everyone falls. at some point in life, and best if earlier in life, everybody fails at something that means a lot to them. the only way to go from there is up, and nobody is alone in this. even my friend who clinched the top scholarship in singapore and is now in the UK (oxford, to be precise), is struggling, when all her life has been smoothsailing and full of perfect results. in short, never lose faith and hope, in yourself, and in situations, because it can get better.

have you guys been regrouped into different classes or is the new system rejected? ihope ihope ihope you guys stick together! :):)

well, been a fairly long lecture from me, but i guess i just want to thank you guys at the end of the year for a great time teaching, for a whole lot of wonderful memories, and for being such great people. i'm also sorry i've been such a lousy teacher and haven't kept to my word of updating this, but i hope u remember me the way i remember you all:) it's been, well, a different sort of year, but brightened up with you guys, and i'd like to wish you a belated merry christmas, and a very very blessed new year.

much loves, and keep in touch with me whenever you want to! :)