Monday, November 06, 2006

hello hello all i miss you tons!

thank you 1K for inviting me to your halloween bash, and i'm really very sorry i couldn't make it. i promise, though, that i will appear for the BBQ:)

now that it's holidays (for YOU all) i hope you're having a superduperultratrooper fun time slacking away at home or whiling your time away outside. now's the time to make merry before you all change classes next year, for who knows just what tomorrow brings?

nonetheless, i hope you all stay in close touch, if not with the whole class, then at least with your closer friends in class:)

i really have left this blog to stagnation, haven't i? been super busy with uni and all its work (hooboy u haven't seen work till u've been to uni!) but i am in lecture now. i need to stay awake you see;)

will really try to update more, and am very sorry there's nothing exceptionally fun or exciting to read here, but thanks to those of you who have still tagged, or read this even today. i love you guys! :) maybe. if there's enough of you who read this i should change the site from sec1ahs to somethingelse that will transcend time:)

ok back to lecture!