Sunday, September 17, 2006

all the best for your exams?

oh man are your exams starting tml?
all the best then man. work really hard and try to have as many of you together in the same mark-range so you maintain the bulk of your class:)

anws im really hungry right now but i have to brush my teeth first and for that i have to get up and im too lazy. and i'm at a friend's place(after a sleepover la u) so everyone say hi to ROSHNI!:)

anws jasmine appreciates the votes u all have cast for her. she's fine and we're super proud of her for going so far:)

ok hope ur studying super hard for exams! do ask me for help if u need any! :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

tagboard up!

as you should be able to see (ok maybe you'll have to scroll down a tiny weeee bit), there is a tagboard up. haha so exciting.

eh i'm a techno toot ok.

BUT i cannot possibly claim credit for it because i had nothing to do with it. i'd like to give this honour instead to Jia Ye of 1K. She helped me put it in the code stuff of the template that just looks like nonsense to me. Thanks girl!

uni. haiz. is terribly busy. there are hundred of pages to read weekly. you all better start learning to love english and reading NOW itself.

last day of holidays. sigh. i feel for you, because even though i didn't have any week long holiday i TREASURE the weekend i've got off and i'm almost dreading tml. those of you who haven't finished holiday hw, i also know how u feel. i have assignments due and i haven't started on them yet.

here's to the last 4 minutes of my holiday:)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

happy holidays much anyone?

it's that time of the year again, where they disguise intensive studying at home/lib/wherever else may suit your fancy in the form of holidays. now if you haven't been devoting most of your day the past few days to the aforementioned activity, then tsk, you're disappointing the directors of education, and you should be banned from any form of holiday granted very graciously to you.

AND you'll be expected to feel remorse for your actions thereafter.

but on a less retarded side, how has your studying been going on? i know you had english paper one, and just when you think you finished the worst of it, there's paper two, maths, science, and other assorted nightmares you will have to face come two and a half weeks.

i'd almost feel bad for you, really i would, if not for the knowledge that you all will definitely survive sec sch (and trust me it gets harder the higher you go. ask your sec 4s), and not just survive, but you will pass out spectacularly:)

still, steering away from the long-yet dreams of no more school/exams for a bit, if any of you need help in anything, be it english, nonenglish, nonchinese, and other educational issues, feel free to call/msg/email at any time you'd like. as a certain fella from 1C tried, you can call me late at night, for it is not so late for me at all, and you'd probably end up catching me awake instead of bewildered from being suddenly awakened.

now. the topic that's been weighing on my mind every wed, till thursday.

everyone reading this, whip out your phone and
call 1900 112 1902 or SMS “2” to 43657
Those of you who watched it last night, jasmine has improved tons:) on the other hand, so have the others too, but still:)
five words:
i apologise if any of the words have come here before and i'm using them again. i'm not too sure who really does this anymore at all, but i'm hoping that one of these may just one day appear in your vocab section, or you find the word relevant for use in a compo:)